Sunday, September 25, 2005

Final Fortnight of Freedom

It's been just about 2 weeks since I returned to the west coast since the NYFC trip and that means school officially starts here at Oregon tomorrow. Luckily I only have golf class on Monday's so I have one more day of freedom, though I need to be on campus for work.

I drove back to the Eug one week ago but had a great final week in socal and nocal. In LA, I hung with friends on last time for now and hit up some of my favorite eating spots one last time, including Langer's for pastrami & cole slaw on rye, Casa Vega's crab & shrimp enchilada, Gelson's Wolfgang Puck chicken pesto sandwich, Porto's for Cuban sandwiches, and charbroiled pork and imperial rolls at a Viet restaurant near my house. YUM!

After a few days back home, it was up to SF and Berkeley for a couple of days before making the dreaded drive up to Oregon (it's just really long). On Friday, I took Mae to the Dodgers/Giants game at SBC Park. Unfortunately the Dodgers lost yet again although they won the two other times I saw them play in SF. Thanks again to my old boss Val for yet again hooking up a great pair of 5th row seats by the Giants bullpen. I did get a healthy earful of "Dodgers Suck!" (especially from this cute little girl who sat behind me with her dad) in my ear all night but luckily the overstuffed seal didn't stuff a plate of whipped cream in my face this time. haha

On Saturday, I spent the day watching Cal pummel Illinois in Berkeley while also soaking up the greatness of campus and all the wonderful memories of undergrad that come to mind everytime I return to campus. Then for dinner, I met up with newlyweds Sean & Siri for dinner at San Tung, my favorite noodle & dumpling house in the inner sunset and then had dessert at Park Chow (ginger spice cake with a scoop of pumpkin ice cream = awesome!).

Sunday meant a quick stop at Arizmendi Bakery for a corn cherry scone and a quick meeting with my friend Becky before officially heading out of california on the drive to Eugene. Most of this past week in Eugene has been full of errands, apartment & furniture hunting, helping with MBA orientation, and readying the tutoring center for the upcoming year.


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