Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Blue & Gold Week

For most people, today was Halloween but for me it was also the official start of Blue & Gold Week here in the Eug to mark the CAL-Oregon football game on Saturday. Although I have declared it such, I doubt many, if any, others will follow through with my decree. (Hopefully I can track down some other Cal alums in the law school. Nelly? Anita? Ivan Jen? Roman? Dave? you guys/gals representing?) Anyways, I expect to be verbally abused throughout the week but I will remain strong as a rock and simply ignore the douche-bags as they try to get into my head. By the way, it started this morning as I walked up to the line for football tickets and was cordially greeted with a "What the Fuck are you doing wearing a Cal sweatshirt?" from the douche-bags at the front of the line who lined up in the wee hours of the morning. Have no fear my fellow Golden Bears, I will remain strong and represent up here in the Eug! Unfortunately the 10 day weather forecast calls for rain rain and more rain so it could get sloppy on Saturday.

I must say I had a good weekend. Celebrated Halloween at the MBAA party on Saturday night. I wish I had put a little more effort into my costume but I ended up dressing up as "Mr. Counterfeit from China" by putting on some of the fake stuff I purchased in China. It was a fun party nonetheless. Also on Friday, I make the 40 minute drive up north to Corvallis to meet up with Yong, Wen-Chieh, Jung Hao, and Chade for lunch at the best Chinese food place I've found thus far in this part of Oregon. It's this little hole in the wall place called Shanghai Wok. They have a separate menu for Chinese people and the food is absolutely awesome and at great prices. Unfortunately, when I got with those guys, they like to order stomach and intestines, which I don't particularly like, though I did sample them. It's just not what I'm used to even though those guys grew up on those dishes back in Taiwan. On another note, I made an awesome vegetable soup on Sunday for dinner. It was absolutely awesome and I was inspired from watching alot of food network lately. It was hearty, healthy, and tasted great and I was thrilled that I basically made it on my own. YUM! Hopefully I'll start cooking alot more now.

Tonight, we had another football game, though this time it was in the pouring rain. Once again, we lost to an undergrad team who really weren't that athletic. However, they're faster and younger and basically beat us on a few key plays. I ended up with 5 catches including a touchdown and extra point. Unfortunately, I'm a bit sore now but it was fun, except for the losing part and rain. I thought I'd be more tired since I woke up so damn early this morning. I thought I had turned back my clock last night so I went to bed having set my alarm for this morning. So, I got up, hopped in the shower and when I turned on the TV, it was only 7:15 am. I felt like such an idiot. I guess when I kept waking up during the night, there was a legit reason why I kept saying to myself "damn, it's already 330 or 430 am." I felt like an idiot.

That's it for now and GO Bears!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

boo. we lost.

sounds like you are having too much there in b-school. get to work! :P

11:25 PM  

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