As everybody knows, the Cal-U$C game didnt quite materialize into the epic battles of the past 2 years when Cal actually had a quarterback. Let's just say once Ayoob/booyA started sucking on the 4th play of the game, we knew it was gonna be a long and depressing afternoon. And it was! Onto Big Game!
Ended up finding Mae in the student section once it cleared out after we started losing
Aside from the football game, it was just about a perfect weekend away from the Eug. I was starting to get a bit suffocated from the Eug's coziness so it was great to get out of town and go back to the Bay Area. The weather was great and ran into a bunch of friends who I hadn't seen in ages.
Sproul Plaza and Sather Gate
The first stop was Zachary's Pizza for dinner on Friday night. Their deep dish stuffed Chicago style pizza is absolutely amazing and is definitely worth the wait. I also ran into Kathryn there, who I last bumped into at a bar in Santa Monica on St. Patty's Day. It's a bit awkward seeing her now that she's newly married after she had dated my friend Conor for so long. I've known her since 7th grade, I feel like it shouldn't be so weird but it is a bit. At Zach's I ate half (4 slices) of a medium stuffed pizza. It was my own personal record but I was just still hungry after each slice. I think my previous best was only 2 or 3 slices. It tasted so good though. After Zach's went to Spats to hang out.
Saturday started off with breakfast at Cheeseboard with Mae. Since it's an extension of Arizmendi Bakery, my favorite bread bakery in the Bay Area, they have corn-cherry scones and great bread. It's soo good. The also have a blueberry-candied pecan scone, that was awesome too. After that, Mae went to meet up with her MPH friends while I met went to campus and checked out the new Nike gear at the bookstore before meeting up with other friends at Top Dog, where I had a Bratwurst. Can't beat the Top.
After the game we walked around Telegrapha and I had a Fat Slice (just like old times) and I ran into Peter & Christie (finally married after being together forever) and Peter's bro. Johnny. It was great seeing them and finally having a chance to say "Congrats on their newlywed-ness." After that, we headed out to the Marina district in SF, where we dined at Pluto's and then went to a karaoke bar called Silver Clouds. Came back into Berkeley at night and went back to Top Dog for a lemon chicken.
Headed back to Oregon and reality the next morning. It's been a long week with deliverables due but I did attend a Nike Diversity Recruiting night last night and it provided a great opportunity to meet some Nike recruiters. Apparently Nike chose 6 schools at which to start building a University Relations Program. (Cal is one of the 6 also) So we'll see how things work go with the jobhunt.
Civil War and Big Game on Saturday, then off to Seattle on Sunday & Monday for a front office visit to the Sonics and the Sonics/Kings game. It should be great and I'm really excited about meeting Howard Schultz (Chairman of Starbucks) on Monday. Then it's off to LA for Thanksgiving.